Types of Hemostatic Forceps and Their Surgical Applications

Hemostatic Forceps

Plastic surgery demands a high level of medical expertise, precise hand-eye coordination, and the correct surgical instruments to be successful. Hemostatic Forceps, popularly known as ring forceps, are ideal surgical instruments surgeons use to carry out the process with ultra-precision.

Hemostatic forceps have a locking mechanism known as a ratchet for more decisive gripping action and control. These grasping tools are especially important for firmly holding skin during delicate procedures like plastic surgery or for clamping down on substantial blood arteries or tissue. In particular, it supports bleeding control to avoid blood spillover.

About the Tool

Hemostatic forceps are derived from the concept of obstetric forceps and are sometimes referred to as sponge forceps or Foerster sponge forceps. They may be angled or have straight edges. The word “ring” is derived from the basic shape of the handles, while the term “sponge” refers to the frequent usage of the handles to grasp and hold sponges throughout surgical operations.

 Since they feature looped handles attached to two long metal arms, they often look similar to scissors. The arms aren’t blades, though; instead, they’re made to hold objects that are either too small or too slick for fingers.

These metal-holding or grasping tools are widely applied in medical and scientific lab settings.

Types of Hemostatic Forceps

Clamps, sometimes known as locking hemostatic forceps, clamp down on tissue. Depending on the use, they are available in several sizes and designs-

1. Splinter forceps

Splinter forceps are a favorite tool type whose unique function is to extract splinters, or pointed bits of bone, from the flesh. Because of its tiny, triangular tip, this kind is incredibly convenient to drive into tiny areas.

2. Allis Forceps

Allis Forceps work best on fascial planes or other connective tissues. Allis forceps are not advised for routine application on bodily tissues due to their serrated points.

3. Towel forceps

Towel forceps, last but not least, are essential clamping tools for an operating room. They serve to keep drapes or towel fragments in the right spot throughout the surgery.

Other typical ring forceps in the market are the Kelly, Mosquito, or Rochester, all specifically designed for grabbing and reaching.

The Surgical Application and Safety Design

Ring-type forceps are typically autoclave sterilized. These instruments usually look like tongs, clamps, and tweezers in design and are often made of high-grade carbon steel. These can be disinfected using boiling water, steaming, or chemical solutions. Construction-wise, ring forceps typically consist of two long, flat pieces of metal connected by a hinge. Jaws that are ringed or looped usually have a loop handle on one end. Depending on their function, these ringed jaw ends are either designed curved or straight, with smooth or serrated surfaces.


Surgeons and nurses usually use ring-style forceps of different sizes to handle everything from holding tissues apart to isolating trouble spots. Because of their convenience of use and precise application, they have become a standard in various surgical procedures. They do not leave any harmful impact on the tissue while manipulating it.

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